It’s been a while

Hi. It’s been a while. Only about two years and a whole pandemic. Feels kind of weird that it’s actually been that long since I last even looked at WordPress.

I was in the middle of working on my thesis when I decided to take a break from blogging and after all that was done I just never felt like getting back to it for a lot of reasons. Mostly because I was so incredibly burnt out from uni and my mental health was in little fragile pieces that needed to be put back together. It has taken me a long time to start feeling sort of normal again and I recently finally got this little spark of “hey, maybe I could have energy for a little hobby again”.

So here we are. Thought a little life update would be in order before I get back into posting whatever. Don’t ask what kind of stuff I plan on posting or how often because I have no idea yet.

So what have I been up to?

First of all, I graduated! It was rough going towards the end but I managed to push myself to graduate in July 2020 and I’ve got a pretty little paper that says Bachelor of Culture and Arts now.

I made a little game prototype as my thesis production and it’s up on my if you want to give it a try! I also made a short visual novel demo (also on my to get some final study credits and that’s something I’d like to continue one day but I haven’t been able to bring myself to do that.

After graduation I was so burnt out the idea of doing art or anything creative sounded exhausting and I still haven’t gotten out of that. My advice to anyone considering going to art school: don’t study art if you don’t want to risk ruining a perfectly fine hobby by making it a job. Really. Art school is fun and all but if you’re not ready for the constant stress of “is my art good enough I can get hired/make a living off it?” it’s going to burn all the joy out of it.

Also, I have stress injuries on both of my hands. Love me some ever present pain.

On a more positive note…

Most of the past couple of years has been just recovering for me, but there have been some very positive changes as well. Last summer we moved out of our little one bedroom student apartment into a bigger place. It was such a welcome change because we basically left behind all the depression and stress attached to the old place (not to mention our new place just looks really lovely).

A bigger place also meant we could do something we’d been dreaming about for a while: added a new scaly member to our family! We got our bearded dragon Tiamat back in October, so about six months ago, and she’s the greatest dragon ever. It’s been so fun watching her grow too! When we got her she was a little 69g thing and these days she’s a 350g chonker.

Don’t worry, Nebs is doing great too. She’ll be turning 13 in July.

One last major change that is actually very recent is that I got a job! I’ve been job hunting since graduating with very poor luck and I realized part of the issue was probably that I was most interested in marketing job but had no real knowledge of marketing. I ended up applying to a digital marketing training program where I’d be interning at a company for six months and there would also be some actual marketing classes. Best part was that the internship interviews were arranged for me so all I had to do was show up and hope for the best.

My internship turned out to be at a company that sells plastic of all things (pieces leftover from factories to be specific). Probably the last industry I could have imagined myself at, but these past six months have been great. I’ve learned a lot, the people I work with are great and even though I’ve been just an intern I feel I’ve actually contributed to things. And they liked me enough that starting May I’ll be an official employee! It’s great to not need to worry about the future for once.

Also, Aks and I are planning on getting married next year.

Life’s pretty good.

If you’ve read this far (are you okay?)

I really just wanted to do a little catch up for those of you who might be interested and I don’t talk to regularly.

I don’t know what kind of posts I want to keep making here from now on, but I know I want to keep things very chill. Just post when I feel like it and not worry about numbers or anything like that. I’m sure I’ll do book or game reviews from time to time but other than that I have no idea yet. My main goal is that I want to keep things fun.

Anyway, I hope to see you guys in the comments maybe? How does one end a long ramble of a post?

3 thoughts on “It’s been a while

  1. Welcome back my dear!
    Happy to hear everything has been well within the recovery, that you finally found a job you like and everything!! 💕

    Yep.. ive heard that alot actually- turns out that one hobby you like? bad idea to put it into work because now you’ll have no joy after ..😅


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